Understanding marriage ought to be a prerequisite to obtaining a marriage license, but that does not mean marital education is not useful for everyone.
No matter what stage of your life, whether you are married or not, understanding marriage is incredibly useful. The Marriage Foundation has changed the way marriages are seen. By reducing marriage down to a science, people no longer imagine marriage as a mystery with uncertain results. By focusing on marital education, which includes scientific, core marriage principles, people can gain the most from their marriage and never have to worry about divorce.
Understanding Marriage Will Change Your Life
The world is a funny place. In some ways, humankind is advanced. But that doesn’t mean we are all individually caught up with the latest sciences and explanations. Think about how many people still regard skin color or national origin as a reason to hate. In some areas of the world, the prevailing ideas around relationships are downright backward. So when we are faced with life or death, we tend to seek the latest, most advanced knowledge. When your marriage is threatened, you naturally want the best marriage advice available.
Marriage confuses most people. Because the world changes so quickly, the meaning of marriage is mostly still seen through cultural eyes. But it is time to see marriage scientifically, with or without the cultural differences. The cultural and religious views of marriage are like flavors of ice cream. Ice cream is still ice cream, regardless of how you thicken it, color it, or flavor it. Marriage, at its roots, is marriage. And the essence of marriage is the same no matter what culture or religion you may come from. Same-gender marriage, which is inaccurately referred to as same-sex marriage, is also still subject to the same laws of human relationships.
Understanding Marriage Begins With A Basic Premise
Understanding marriage begins with a basic premise: Marriage is an exact science. That means there are specific causes and effects that are absolutely reliable. When you know what they are, you can apply them at a moment’s notice.
Pilots apply the same knowledge to various situations, and married individuals do the same thing.
For instance, a pilot knows enough about aerodynamics to know that pulling back on the stick will not always make the plane go up. He or she had to learn the underlying science to know when it will make the plane go up. Otherwise everyone would die from a wrong decision. Once they know the science, the choices are easy and automatic.
A marriage-educated individual knows anger has nothing to do with their spouse’s “offenses,” but is all about the triggers in their own mind. They learn how to regulate those triggers by learning the underlying science. It isn’t difficult, but they have to know.
Marriage is meant to be the most beneficial and joyous relationship of all, so make sure yours is by seeking pre marriage education.