Honeymoon images we see in our minds are often borrowed from honeymoon travel brochures and websites; a tropical beach, a loving couple staring at each other over a glass of wine in some romantic getaway, or ruffled sheets. But the truth of the matter is that the lovey-dovey looks are not always there in the honeymoon suite, or on the trip back home. Sometimes there are honeymoon blues, too.
Many couples,even those who live together before getting married, discover the unspoken truth about tensions that come from 24/7 living, and often can’t wait to run out, on their own, to get a newspaper (just for a few minutes), or get back to their routines at home.
They don’t realize the honeymoon blues syndrome is pretty darn common; because its not what a wedding advertiser wants you to see.
Although many experts discuss post honeymoon depression, that’s a different topic. We discuss post honeymoon blues in another article, where we call it for what it really is; “confusion”.
Honeymoon blues are caused by a number of things. But the cures are what you need, and are not so hard to keep in mind.
Keeping Out The Honeymoon Blues
#1 – Drink In Moderation, or Not At All
The alcohol companies are going to kill me for this, but the absolute irrefutable truth is that alcohol causes depression. I am not going to add a disclaimer to this, like “only if you overdo it”, because everyone overdoes it. When you drink you can expect depression, to one degree or another.
#2 – Bring a Good Book to Read
It is unnatural to be with someone 24/7 because you are an individual, and you need to be in your own space in order to chill from time to time, and get grounded. Both of you having good books to read on your honeymoon will allow you to be together while being “alone” for some periods.
#3 – Plan Individual Activities You do Together
By doing activities, such as horseback riding, hiking, snorkeling, and other such active do-together activities, you will have a good time, wear yourselves out, and enjoy each other’s company. Don’t think sitting on the beach or poolside all day is a good idea. Some of the time, sure; but be active. You will have plenty of time to veg when you are in your 80’s.
#4 – Get Plenty of Sleep
You can have lots of fun and plenty of loving, but try to be together in more intimate connected ways. Talk about your deep feelings for each other, and avoid any contentions. You never have to fight while you are married; never! So strive for peace and harmony. Catching up on sleep is part of what you can do on your honeymoon; or not :).
Lastly #5 – Transform Sex Into Marital Intimacy
Sex keeps couples reduced to “porn” “performers” when they do not learn about marital intimacy. Now that you are married, you should practice simple techniques, as taught in a good pre-marriage training course, so you will transform your sex into a miracle of love.
Marriage is a lifetime of bliss when you do it correctly. It is a terrible thing that so many do not feel there is a need for premarriage training; everyone, without exception, has a lot to learn about marriage.