One would think the perfect wedding has to become a perfect marriage, just by all the planning that goes into it.
Why else would a couple, and the parents, in most cases, put so much time and money into planning it? In fact, its unusual to hear “so far” after you hear “the happiest day of my life” when it comes to wedding days.
But the truth of the matter is that most people do NOT think about their marriage as something they can plan, to any great extent. They simply transition from engaged to married. They do not consider what a huge transition it is, or how to make their marriage as perfect as their wedding.
This is something to think about! Marriages are not as simple as they look from the outside. There are, in fact, many aspects to marriage, and millions of moving parts. No human being could ever make a list of all the buttons and switches in marriage. Unlike a perfect wedding, which has finite choices, marriage offers constant choices, which come from myriad variables; all of which produce definite results, which produce more choices. This goes on forever!
Make YOUR perfect wedding a prelude to YOUR perfect marriage
You have more power than you might imagine in marriage. But it is not power over your spouse that I refer to. Hopefully, you don’t even want power over your spouse, as that would undermine all your happiness. The power you should develop is over your habits of thoughts, feelings, words and actions. This is not hype! This is true!
If you are not properly prepared for marriage, by taking our program (it is the only one I recommend because it is so thorough), your going to miss out on a fundamental requirement for happiness; control over your habits. When you learn the basics of marriage, PLUS the SEW technique, your marriage WILL be perfect. Even, I dare say, more so than your perfect wedding.
A lot of couples are afraid to ask for premarital education because it is usually called premarital counseling, which implies there is something wrong, and you need counseling to get things right. But that’s not what it is at all. Good premarital education is just that. You get to see the ins and outs of marriage, and are given tools for making your marriage…perfect.