Should You Get Premarital Education?

Most people assume they will learn about marriage by being married. They think two good people have to only be themselves and everything will work out. They are convinced that since they love and trust each other, they don’t need premarital education.

Studying Marriage, Alone Or Together, Will Surely Help Your Marriage!

But then, when inevitable troubles arise — and they certainly will — the couple rationalizes it is some “thing” upsetting their marriage. They are sure if they knew what that “thing” was, they could fix it or do something to offset it.

Sometimes, if not usually, the couple believes their partner is the problem. Other times the couple believes they are incompatible, or it’s lack of money, or in-laws, or children. However, none of this has anything to do with a failing marriage.

The above is an unrealistic way to look at marriage, because marriages work. When the couple learns and uses the right combined skills, problems that had come along disappear.

When you do something you haven’t done before, you will always benefit tremendously from experts’ scientific explanations. This includes marriage. It requires a skilled couple to live together in harmony and evolve with experience.

Pre Marriage Education Does Wonders

Marriage is a new experience for everyone! Couples in long-term marriages that hadn’t received useful premarital education either lucked out or are hurting from being unhappily married.

Even people married for over 20 years may be missing important keys to their marital happiness. There very well may be information they could have used a long time ago that they just didn’t have. And I’m sad to say many of them live on the brink of divorce.

A good pre marriage education includes learning:

  • The purpose of marriage
  • How a male mind works (gender has definite effects on the mind)
  • How a female mind works
  • Sex
  • Intimacy (sex and intimacy are different)
  • How to communicate in marriage

When you study marriage, it isn’t the same as studying for final exams. You don’t need to learn dates or places for a good marriage. You aren’t learning philosophies that have to be repeated for a teacher.

Premarital education is like learning how to fly. Isn’t that appropriate? Your marriage should soar above the world, too. Like flying, you need to be prepared or else you and your co-pilot will crash and burn.

The greatest benefits of pre marriage education are:

  1. Recognizing the marital pitfalls and how to avoid them.
  2. Understanding the marital benefits and how to achieve them.

Marriage is another way of life; different than anything else you will encounter. That’s why premarital education is so important. Marriage education will surprise you. Proper marriage education will teach you new skills and ideas you never once thought about. Be among the happiest of couples on earth. Get a fulfilling pre marriage education and you will be.