The Marriage Foundation

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TMF’s Marriage-Help system is Methodical, Systematic and it works

Our Most Affordable Plan is $9.29 (pay $39.95 monthly)

Free 3-Day Trial Plus a 30-day

Nearly 23 Years of Experience & Thousands of Successes

Our “Solo-works-better” approach stands out in the world of marriage-help because our courses deliver, without fanfare, or fancy slogans, the 3 things we all want from our marriages.

Happiness –
We marry our soulmate because we want our married life to be filled with joy, companionship, connection, family, and security. Our process is different in that we first teach you how to control your emotions, anger, and worry…as you begin, right away, to heal your connection.

Love –
This is the most obvious. We humans don’t just desire love, we must have love, so we teach you how to generate love both within yourself, and how to infuse it into your marriage.

Harmony –
Joy-filled, love filled, harmony. You will know how to bring happiness and love into your marriage. That creates a harmony most have not experienced since they said “I do”, or committed when they moved in together.

Our successes began over 22 years ago. Paul Friedman was a successful divorce mediator in San Diego. He was asked to save a client’s marriage and, during his preparations, discovered the wonderful truths about marriage, and began to heal them. His simple step-by-step process is scientific, spiritual, and most importantly, is results oriented, having saved thousands of marriages since then.

It is irrefutable that traditional marriage counseling and courses, those that utilize negative and depressing approaches of Western psychological reasoning, are ill-equipped to heal marriages. We don’t want you dwelling on the past, individual traumas, or other distractions. Our system does not waste time. We don’t pander, blame, or label. We get right to the business of saving and transforming your marriage, one step at a time, and stay with you (our course includes help from our TMF marriage counselors) until you succeed.
"Hi! I just wanted to let you know I am forever grateful that I came across this website. My husband has told me he’s noticed my changes in responses to situations. He wanted a divorce in December and I was devastated. I started the women’s course immediately and practiced the SEW method every second. I even told my children about it because it’s beneficial to all aspects of life. He told me at the end of January that he doesn’t want a divorce anymore. Since then it’s been great! I can’t even compare it to anything else. I’m so so so happy to have had this opportunity to learn about my biology, the trauma responses I’ve always acted on, the reasons why I react so negatively. The perspective I’ve learned throughout the course is immeasurable. I will recommend this course to everybody I know. It’s beneficial to everybody regardless of marital status, age or gender. The logic and explanation seems like common sense but for me it opened my eyes and heart so much. I feel happier and fee. I have clarity and know my purpose now. I will share and practice all the knowledge I’ve learned for the rest of my life. Thank you so much for all the work and dedication you’ve put into these courses."


Group 343
Your intuition and subconscious are telling you that your marriage can and should be more than just saved. That it can be turned into the ideal marriage you have always wanted. That is why you are still hopeful, and should be.
Group 339
Our TMF approach, processes, and methods are second to none. Effective, efficient, and spiritual (not religious) it is methodical and scientifically proven, and includes are highly trained and professional veteran TMF marriage counselors.
Group 340
You can do this program on your own, without your spouse, and realize the best results possible. You also have the option for both of you to take the courses, but that is not important to your success.
Group 342
“Success” to us means a marriage that is wonderful in every regard.
Group 341
Our courses are affordable. You can pay all at once or take as long as 11 months which is less than $10 a week.

"My behavior has turned around. I stay out of my feelings and think before I speak. I think positive thoughts and bless him in my thoughts. I am not feeling anxious or fear anymore. I am feeling secure and calm. The sew has made me a happy person. It has saved me."
- Mary N.

Our “Individual” system brings

Over 22 years ago Paul Friedman ignored all the other marriage “experts” insistence that couples counseling was the best way to help troubled marriages. Perhaps “on paper” couples counseling works, but not in practice. In practice it wastes money and precious time that should be spent on ‘positively’ working towards your goals. It does not work for small “issues” or major shocks like infidelity.
Our new clients share their experiences on their intake forms when they signed up for our courses. The intake form question is: “Have you tried to repair your marriage? How and how long ago?” (Our clients never need anything else once they begin our course)

Yes, solo counseling three years ago and couples counseling last year.

Yes, though marriage counseling, psychologist and promises

Yes, we are working on it. We started by going to marriage counseling. Also by working with other men going through similar situations. Over the past several months.

For years now, therapy a year ago.

Yes – we have been in counseling and still ae currently – we have done counseling off and on throughout

Tried reading books like +++++ and How to be a ++++ by ++++ and completed 5 mandatory marriage counselling sessions as required by the Syariah Court (We’re Muslims).

Yes, my wife and I attended couples and individual counseling for about 5 years.

We had some counseling sessions two years ago that were useless.

The above is a very small sampling, intentionally not including other “named” marriage experts and programs.

We NEVER blame you or your spouse
Marriages fail because we never learned how to be married so we make mistake after mistake. The lack of accurate marriage teachings is a world-wide problem, and is nobody’s fault.

Our system ignores the past and you should, too. You and your soulmate are in a marriage that is more than just “salvageable”. We move you and your marriage safely forward to the 3 goals we repeat over and over, Happiness, Love, and Harmony.

Our system lacks nothing. Specifically designed for ‘individuals,’ it is taught via online video classes. When you have a question you can reach out to our TMF marriage counselors. You will sign up for either the men’s or women’s course, depending on your gender. The affordable price includes everything, period. This is not just for minor improvements. It is the most effective marriage help ‘anything’ you will ever find ‘anywhere’. It is not just for easy case. It is mostly for complicated and difficult cases. If you are just having a few problems get one of our books, which is much cheaper. But if you need the course don’t pass on it.

These are the simple steps.
1. Stop the slide – You learn what to do and not do, thwarting the laws of momentum with experience born wisdom.
2. Regain inner balance – Understanding, Calming, and using the SEW technique™ gives you an immediate starting point.
3. Direction – Happiness, love, and harmony. Those are the destination, Education in communication etc. starts your process
4. Results – Nothing matters more than fast results. Paul was adamant that his clients left live his sessions with a clear vision of where they were going and realistic positive work that would bring them closer to the marriage they desperately wanted to have. He maintained that philosophy as he created the online courses. That’s why you will see undeniable results, usually within our 3-day free trial period.
“Good morning Dear Counselor, I hope you are having a great day! I had another ah ha moment as I see now how even I have the problem with anger due to the drive to survive. Before I just thought it was normal. Now I see it differently. In other areas of my life I find it easier to turn the negative into a positive using the SEW technique.”
The process within the course is “simple”, doable by anyone regardless of how bad things are, and the changes to the dynamic within your marriage begins with a trickle, and builds into a flood of happiness, love and harmony.

We don’t ask about your childhood traumas, histories, and so forth. Let’s just get busy healing your marriage. Let’s focus on what you can do right now, and stop what we know is hurting your marriage, is the only sensible starting point.

You will learn the art of marital communication (not like any other) and specialized skills not found anywhere else. You will also learn techniques and methods that produce happiness and harmony, like the SEW techniqueTM Paul refers to in many of his videos. It, alone, is a life-changer. It is a definite way to master your mind, to eliminate anger, worry, reactiveness, and all the other spoilers. You will realize how much you have been missing and now have to power to capture it all.

“Marriage is an individual spiritual path that two soulmates take together” This is the definition of marriage that was introduced by Paul as a guiding principle. It is not fluff. Love and happiness are spiritual, and what we all crave.

This doesn’t mean we are a religious organization; we aren’t. No counselor will ever share their beliefs with you. But we are not afraid to be truthful about marriage. The very core of marriage is, by definition, spiritual. Others may call love, and happiness “abstract thoughts” but we know them to be the highest reality of all, gifts from our creator. A loving God wants us to feel love and joy in our everyday lives. Making happiness and love the guiding pole stars for your marriage is just common sense.

Don’t listen to the ‘world’ with its 50+% divorce rate. When have they ever been truly concerned with love and happiness? Our world is behind. Until now the ways of success in marriage weren’t taught. But now your marriage can go from suffering to marital bliss…truly!

From Jessica L “One day I will tell my husband how the work you did brought me back to being the love and heart of our family. Best wishes to you and your families! God bless you all

"Hi, I am writing to share some feedback. I am now paying attention the milestones as outlined in the course and I am aware that I have a long way to go. At this time I am really trying to use the SEW on my thoughts which I wasn’t doing previously. Somehow I missed that step my first time through the course and I was only focusing on stopping my outer emotions/ words. In the last week as a couple we have gotten 3 separate compliments on our marriage. The first was a convenience store employee who asked us how long we’d been together and then stated that we have a very positive energy together. The second was a coworker of both of us who wished us “Happy Valentine’s Day to the most in love couple I know”. The third was a friend who joked that they were envious of our relationship and how happy we are together. All of this in the past week. I feel motivated. It’s hard to believe that just 1 year ago the word divorce came up in our conversations. (Of course nobody else knows that. We have kept everything between us) Thank you to the marriage foundation for being there for us/ for me."
Abegail McCoy
"Thank you. I’m committed to make the complete change for myself and my marriage. I believe in this training program and later I think I want to join the counselors. I have to say this is by far one of the hardest things I’ve had to go through but I’m growing. I’ll be married 25 years in July so I have a lot to undo, but I’m doing it, something I would have never thought I could do. I appreciate all the help from all the counselors and especially Paul. I wish that some of the counselors would share their success stories about how their marriages changed."

Our guiding purpose is to achieve happiness and marital love

Some try to solve one problem at a time in therapy. That gets you nowhere because it is dwelling on the problems without moving you forward.Even whoppers like infidelity (most of our clients come to us because of infidelity), as painful as they are, are what woke you up. Now, you don’t need to “understand what happened” as if you were a psych student. You need to get onto solid ground. You don’t need to learn how to “cope” either. You need to know exactly, not theoretically, but exactly, how to move forward into a revitalized marriage that will start filling up with happiness and love. You need to learn how to shift your thinking and rediscover the love and connection that brought you together in the first place, so your lives ahead are filled with joy. We want you to set the bar high. You deserve happiness and love.Every one of us has flaws and make mistakes. But we don’t need to stay tied to our errors or our spouse’s errors. Love and joy are our birthrights and marriage is the place to experience them. You just need to learn how.It isn’t too late. Some who come to us are already “effectively” separated and a few are literally separated. It doesn’t matter. Your case is undefinable in terms of “can my marriage be saved”. That’s why we have 3-day free trial. Even if you aren’t sure after 3 days there is still a 30-day period where you can get your money back. The guarantee was started by Paul for his live sessions. Have you ever heard of a therapist offering that??The pressures and frustrations you are now feeling will give way to hope and encouragement! Especially the SEW technique, but all our techniques, methods and especially our proven process works like mathematics. You will experience the power you have right away. From the very start you will begin to master your mind. Mastering your mind is basic for happiness. We know, nobody tells us that, but it is true.Marriage is simple in ways but it is also complex, that is true. But so are many things we do, like driving a car, or your job at work. You can do this, too. True marital success is at your fingertips. But it takes more than your desire and determination. That’s why we guide your marriage healing with truthful knowledge and a proven process, every step of the way. It is not just a course. As soon as you fill out the intake form one of our TMF counselors, trained by Paul will respond with clarity and encouragement.If you have been reading Paul’s articles or watching his YouTube videos you know we mean business about getting results. Mere improvement is not enough for us and shouldn’t be for you. A well understood marriage, with all of its attributes, especially you, means you will know how to have the promises of marriage; ever-increasing happiness and ever-expanding love. You should and can have it. Don’t settle.Our system employs easy to learn techniques and methods which are based upon universal principles of love. You are a human being who can and should expect ever-increasing happiness and ever-expanding love. We KNOW we are intended to be joy-filled and live in love. Soulmates means we are souls. We are not religionists. But love is spiritual.

Settling for a mundane "saved" marriage is not our way.

No matter how bad things are, no matter what you are going through, you still can experience marital life as it is intended. Our system is effective because we offer you a course as an individual.

You taking the course alone is what it is designed for. But it works either way.

We prefer that you take the course solo. But some couples like to both take their courses. We just ask that you do not pressure your spouse about it. Take the course, yourself, gain the marriage of your dreams. If they want the course, they will ask. Then they will get a huge discount, too. But make it YOUR effort. It is what works.

Heal Your Marriage Inexpensively

Our methodical process does more than just “save” marriages.

If we were as educated about marriage as driving a car nobody would need our videos, books, articles, and courses. Learning how to “drive” marriages will certainly be required in the future. But for now, your current marriage troubles, whether because of infidelity (porn, sexting, an affair), “falling out of love” (you are still soulmates), or anger, it is a wake-up call. That’s what we hear from our clients, sometimes weeks later, and sometimes many years later. They see what they went through as a blessing in disguise. We know it is hard to imagine things ever being the “same”, and we don’t want “the same” for you, anyway. Our courses will give you MUCH BETTER than that.

When you begin to apply what’s in the courses everything starts to become clear. The first results are in the form of calmness, because you will feel confident that our methodical system will work. You may see the light at the end of the tunnel right away. That’s the beauty of our system.

It takes you forward, step by step.

Marriages don’t fix themselves, of course. You will have to do your part, but you will do it knowledgeably.

Keep in mind that marriage is not something that mankind stumbled upon. Marriage is (we are not being “religious”) a loving gift from God. It was always intended to provide us with “above-the-world” joy and love.

We just never learned how to “drive” our marriage. So, think of your marriage as an elegant vehicle designed to carry you in love and joy… But we never learned how. Now, Paul’s discoveries become your map to happiness and love.

Love and happiness are NOT too much to ask for. You got married to be happier every day of your lives, and that is exactly what you should expect. It is reasonable, and we have proven it is reasonable for over 22 years.

When our founder, Paul Friedman, shifted his life to healing marriages he wanted to make sure that everyone could learn about his discoveries and how to use them. Paul was a divorce mediator at that time, and because of his profession he had many therapist friends. But he knew therapists, who are good people who wish to serve others, simply don’t know how to save marriages. So rather than use psychological methods to help his new marriage help clients he followed his ‘correct’ inclinations; to discover marriage’s “construct”, and to understand marriage “mechanically”.

There is a science to marriage. Happiness and love are the primary goals of marriage. Most people never think of the core reasons we get married, but those are the two primary reasons. We want to be married to be happier, and to experience marital love.

Just because they are spiritual and not material in nature doesn’t mean you can’t achieve them by practical methods.

Paul and his clients put aside the problems and issues when they came to him. He says, and it is true forever, that if you work on the foundational construct of your marriage, learn and apply, the problems and issues become the daily “stuff” of life, not overwhelming. And the past issues are seen as ‘what got you to find us.’ Work on what can be changed; the future.

Either course provides Everything you will ever need to completely rehabilitate your marriage. It will never slip backward again.
1. Stop the sliding – Within weeks, sometimes only days, what you learn and apply will begin transforming your marriage.
2. Shift into calmness – In mere days, sometimes hours, what you learn and apply will bring you to a better place.
3. Empower you – From the first video classes you will see how methodical and common-sensible our process is.
4. Support you – Our easily accessible (email) marriage counselors will teach and encourage you every step of the way

Our methodical process in the courses are the ultimate marriage-saver

For marriages that are merely “stumbling”, our YouTube channel and articles, and writing to our counselors, all free, have proven to be a Godsend.

The next level of marriage help that has saved tens of thousands of marriages is our books, Breaking The Cycle and Lessons For a Happy Marriage. But if you are slipping daily, if you fear the marriage is not going in the right direction and you need serious help then the course is the right choice for you.

Our courses are super affordable

Our base price may not be within easy reach for everyone and that’s why we have payment plans that reduce the cost to less than $10 a week (billed monthly). Also, our TMF marriage counselors offer contact with our members free of charge.

Signing up for our “strongest medicine”, the courses for men and women, begins you on a 3-day free trial. Then, you can pay the very reasonable fee all at once, or split your payments for 11 months, to less than $10 a week (choose when you sign up).effectiveness.


Not to just “save” or “fix” but completely heal for joy and love. The courses are guaranteed to work for the most discouraging and catastrophic scenarios.. You will be supported by our unique TMF marriage counselors.


Our Marriage Courses are for individuals, you may add your spouse later, at a discount, if they ask for it.

$10 a WEEK

✅ Men’s & Women’s Online Course
✅ Unlimited Email Counseling
✅ 30-Day Guarantee
✅ 3-Day Free Trial


$39.95 / month

Less than $10 a week


$39.95 / month

Less than $10 a week


✅ Women’s Online Course
✅ Unlimited Email Counseling
✅ 30-Day Guarantee
✅ 3-Day Free Trial


$119.95 / month

$39.95 / month


✅ Men’s Online Course
✅ Unlimited Email Counseling
✅ 30-Day Guarantee
✅ 3-Day Free Trial


$119.95 / month

$39.95 / month

If yo have any questions at all you can reach out to us. If you have a counseling question

Our system works for everyone and our reviews bear out our claims and have for over 20 years.

Traditional counseling and the “common knowledge” about marriage is mostly wrong. Based on ideas and philosophies that ignore the essence of both marriage and ourselves being love, souls, they usually do more harm than good. They call love a mere emotion and consider it an abstract thought. We are better than that. We deserve more than intellectual labeling and hearing we are “wrong” to expect ultimate marital bliss.

Paul devised a methodical approach that first brings individuals into their heart’s love by taming and eventually mastering their mind’s hectic whirlpool of anger, emotions, and destructive habits.

In other words, our process is for you to become to happy. That is our first order of business in the courses. Showing you the truth, that when you ‘improve’, and you shall, your spouse will also, they can’t help but respond to your love and happiness. A new positive cycle replaces the old destructive ones that cause so much pain and agony.

Our process methodically, like mathematics or physics, changes the negative trends into a positive cycle. It is common sense. When one learns to master their emotions, smile all the time with inner happiness, and also learns the basics of creating love in the relationship It empowers both. Given proper guidance with communication and other marriage enhancing tools means lifting your relationship to you connecting on a far deeper level where marriage is supposed to happen, love. Understanding how to nurture true, unconditional love our clients are not only able to resolve the few problems that may sneak in but one learns to gracefully navigate challenges with inner peace, calmness, and of course, love.

As human beings, we are endowed with great gifts and incredible tools. There is no better vehicle in life than marriage to experience the happiness and all-fulfilling love that was intended for us. Now, you just need to learn how.

By lifting you, the individual, our unique system works!

Your Marriage Should be filled with Lasting Joy

The fact is that neither you nor your spouse ever properly learned about marriage. Unless you consider movies and sitcoms rational sources of marital education.

So, putting all blame aside regardless of what anyone’s “infractions” are or were, no matter how deep the hole you have fallen into. You can take charge of your future. You can learn and apply the knowledge that will change EVERYTHING! You can do much better than just save your marriage.

By learning how marriage works, how you and your spouse work, plus getting the right tools and guidance, you’ll have the love and happiness that comes as a natural result of living in a harmoniously run marriage, period. (As an added benefit you will find that nearly everything you learn also applies to all your relationships with friends, family, and business, and other associates).

The “learn as you go” technique you relied on for your marriage, and the “common knowledge” found in articles, books, therapy sessions and youtube videos other than Paul’s doesn’t work because societal standards for marriage don’t meet our innate needs for love, real love.

Our system works, perfectly. It is comprehensive yet simple to understand so you can apply what you learn to your marriage as you progress. Paul begins with what everyone can agree are basic essential premises of our need for love and happiness and sets them as the immediate goals. He specified the principles and common sense ideas for marriage that work for us, not against us. Then he used a combination of time-tested methods and special techniques he created himself, such as the SEW technique for individuals to lift their marriages out of the holes (of despair) their marriages had fallen into. The basics have never changed in the over 20 years he used them because they are built upon universal principles that never change, and never get old-fashioned.

Working with thousands of people who are just like you we have both revised some and made slight changes in other recommendations within the courses to help individuals gain greater successful results, faster. But the principles and our process works and always will because we humans all want the same two things, love, and happiness.

TMF was founded as a non-profit organization, with a mission to end marital suffering and divorce by spreading our revolutionary system around the world. Our clients come from over 45 countries. Don’t suffer or feel fear another day. Read about our system below, and let’s get started making you happy again.

Our specially trained counselors help with any question as you progress through either the women’s or men’s course.

“I want your program because after watching Paul’s youtube videos I can say his approach to marriage completely resonates with me.”

"You were literally our last chance. My husband didn't want to go to counseling or talk or anything. The system really worked for us. It didn't take very long, and I hardly needed your help. But you REALLY helped when I really needed encouragement. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
- Sharon P. | New York, NY


Online Videos You Can Watch Anywhere

Watch your video classes on any device, 24×7, anywhere. Each course contains around 50 videos and written lessons, spread out over two months. Each week, you’ll receive new, uplifting and informative lessons selected and presented by our founder, Paul Friedman. Once you receive a lesson, you’ll have permanent access to it so you can work at your own pace, or go back and review.

Different Men's and Women's Courses

Women and men see themselves, their spouse, and their marriage in completely different ways. Providing separate courses is one of the true highlights of our system as we are able to give you each a unique, positive view of your spouse like you’ve never had before. Marriage is supposed to be positive and happy, just like this course.

Step By Step Instruction

The courses guide you along a deliberate path that will ensure your success and ultimate happiness. Just watch the videos, apply what you are learning to your marriage and ask questions when you get stuck. It works, and you can do it.

Your marriage will become a fountain of tangible love and joy, ever flowing for you, your spouse, and your children to drink from.

The dream we all got married for can be a reality, but only once the negativity is cleared away, the misunderstanding is replaced with wisdom, and real unconditional love is expressed. Our clients have turned that dream into a reality.

It doesn’t have to be a dream for you anymore, either.

These are the steps you will be guided through in order to improve your marriage:

#1 Eliminate All Fighting

As soon as you sign up, you'll learn how to stop fighting, giving your spouse the cold shoulder, eliminate all negative forms of communication, and techniques for how to cool down emotions. This will allow your marriage to stabilize and your home to become peaceful again.

#2 Rebuild The Foundation Of Your Marriage

Next, you will learn about The 3 Killers of Marriage™, about behaviors that are destructive or beneficial to your marriage, effective communication, and the unique natures you and your spouse express. This will form a solid foundation for you both to construct your ideal marriage.

#3 Create An Unconditional Marriage

To elevate your marriage to the highest plane, the courses cover subjects like how to live with your spouse in a Sacred Space™, how your children fit within your new marriage, how to achieve unconditional love, and how to build a marriage that gets better every day.

#1 Eliminate All Fighting

As soon as you sign up, you’ll learn how to stop fighting, giving your spouse the cold shoulder, eliminate all negative forms of communication, and techniques for how to cool down emotions. This will allow your marriage to stabilize and your home to become peaceful again.

#2 Rebuild The Foundation Of Your Marriage

Next, you will learn about The 3 Killers of Marriage™, about behaviors that are destructive or beneficial to your marriage, effective communication, and the unique natures you and your spouse express. This will form a solid foundation for you both to construct your ideal marriage.

#3 Create An Unconditional Marriage

To elevate your marriage to the highest plane, the courses cover subjects like how to live with your spouse in a Sacred Space™, how your children fit within your new marriage, how to achieve unconditional love, and how to build a marriage that gets better every day.

Your emotions do not distinguish between truly life threatening situations and things that don’t really matter, like towels left on the bathroom floor, or the fact that someone was rude to you. That’s why many mundane situations can trigger emotions that are as powerful as the emotions we might experience while being mugged or physically attacked.

In relationships, we often establish habitual responses. This means we already know how our spouse will react to a given situation, and in certain situations this can be helpful. But if our habits have become negative emotional reactions such as yelling, giving cold shoulders, or being judgmental or critical, then they no longer are helpful and instead become the drivers for the destruction of our marriage.

It’s scary to realize that as much as 90% of our actions could be driven by our habits. 

Once you realize this and see for yourself how your words are harming your spouse, you still might not be able to stop them before they slip out in the heat of an argument.

It is very difficult to change the habits that drive our lives. Paul created a special technique called S.E.W. which is truly revolutionary in its ability to help us get a handle on our reactive tendencies and to slice through negative habits.

Even beginners with the S.E.W. technique can learn to stop harmful words right away. With regular practice, you’ll even be able to stop the negative emotions before they arise. In their place you’ll have the freedom to express love and wisdom appropriate for the situation.

With the S. E.W. technique, you will still be able to deal with the real problems in life, but you’ll do so from a more peaceful and happier place, which will allow your marriage to flourish.

The Powerful Woman: Setting Your Intentions
Communication: Must Do’s For Men

Ongoing Support From TMF Certified Counselors

Our counselors are trained and certified in the principles taught by Paul Friedman. They are readily available to answer your questions. This service is included in the price of the system. Just write to them through the client portal, and they will get back to you promptly.

This is not therapy or traditional counseling. They won’t explore your childhood, or psychoanalyze you. They will help you to understand and to apply our principles to your marriage.

An Unconditional, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Most people see progress within the first week. The courses take 2 months to complete, but you’ll have a full 30 days to decide if this is right for you. If not, just let us know and we’ll refund 100% of the money you paid.
Not to just “save” or “fix” but completely heal for joy and love. The courses are guaranteed to work for the most discouraging and catastrophic scenarios.. You will be supported by our unique TMF marriage counselors.


Our Marriage Courses are for individuals, you may add your spouse later, at a discount, if they ask for it.

$10 a WEEK

✅ Men’s & Women’s Online Course
✅ Unlimited Email Counseling
✅ 30-Day Guarantee
✅ 3-Day Free Trial


$39.95 / month

Less than $10 a week


$39.95 / month

Less than $10 a week


✅ Women’s Online Course
✅ Unlimited Email Counseling
✅ 30-Day Guarantee
✅ 3-Day Free Trial


$119.95 / month

$39.95 / month


✅ Men’s Online Course
✅ Unlimited Email Counseling
✅ 30-Day Guarantee
✅ 3-Day Free Trial


$119.95 / month

$39.95 / month


Yes, however, we do not recommend people sign up their spouse without their knowledge or interest.

Our most successful, step-by-step program is specifically designed for you to use as an individual to begin the healing and refreshing process without requiring your partner to also do their program.

Over the past 15 years, about half of spouses also sign up, though not always right away.

Even though your intentions are probably wonderful, it is best to not sign up your spouse unless they have expressly asked. In a relatively short period, they will certainly notice big changes in you. Seeing you become a happier person is what will inspire them to want to participate in improving the marriage with you.

Your spouse can sign up for only $249.95 anytime, whether that is today, in a month, a year, or even 5 or 10 years from now.

To add your spouse, buy either individual course above. After signing up, you will have the option to add your spouse for the discounted rate. The option to upgrade will be available to you at any time on your member dashboard.

Over the years, we have seen some true miracles happen. Many of our clients had already sought advice from a long line of ineffective counselors. Others had been turned away by counselors because their problems seemed too difficult. Yet, in the end, they were able to save their marriage with our methods. We have helped couples in all of the following situations and more:

  • Cheating and emotional affairs
  • Lack of intimacy
  • Fallen out of love
  • Constant fighting, nagging, criticism
  • Having lazy, depressed, or withdrawn spouses
  • Being on the brink of a separation or divorce
  • Anger
  • Resenting your spouse
  • Poor communication
  • Verbal and emotional abuse

Usually we can help couples that other professionals can’t or won’t help. However there are some unfortunate circumstances in which even we cannot help:

1) If there is physical abuse.

If you or your children are in danger, we do not recommend you stay in the home. Get away from the abuser and into a safe environment. However, we have seen couples move back in together when it was safe to do so.

2) If you or your spouse is abusing drugs or alcohol.

Realize that chronic abuse of any substance is never good when you want to make positive changes. Dealing with the tensions in your marriage is already difficult enough without the added burdensome effects caused by drugs and alcohol. Even in this situation, our system will certainly be beneficial for your marriage, but please seek professional help to address the substance abuse.

3) If your wife has left the home and is involved with another man.

We have not been able to save marriages in this situation. It is different if the husband leaves due to a different motivation driving the separation. Even after they had been living with a younger woman for months, we’ve seen wives who were determined to save their marriage be able to reconcile with their husbands. However, when women leave, they usually leave “with their heart”. Men, if this is your situation, our system might help you interact more positively with her and your children, but sadly we cannot offer hope for a full recovery. Please read the Men’s FAQ for more information.

In all other circumstances, we can help.

To you, the problems you are facing may seem huge and pretty complex, but in our experience they are usually easily resolvable if you know what to fix and how to fix it. If you focus on the symptoms (i.e. the cheating or fighting), you will never resolve the underlying, real problems and will not be able to make progress in healing the marriage.

If you have any questions about your unique situation, feel free to contact our counselors.

Most people experience individual results in days. Certain marriage improvements might take from days to weeks, and difficult cases can take longer. Once you are out of the danger zone, your marriage will continue to improve from there. Many of our clients tell us that even years later their marriages are still getting better day after day.Our courses are delivered over a period of two months. Every week you’ll receive new lessons for you to study and practice in your marriage. Just follow the course, apply the principles, and you’ll see for yourself within the first two months that our system is working, though usually you’ll notice a dramatic shift in the first week. Our 30 day guarantee covers you in case you are not satisfied.The structure of our course was designed by our founder Paul Friedman, who personally trained hundreds of clients. He stresses the fact that there are some key lessons such as learning the S.E.W. technique and using it every day in your marriage in order to bring about a permanent recovery.We constantly receive emails from students who really took the system seriously. After starting the course, they learned the S.E.W. technique and the new concepts and methods of thinking, then applied these to all aspects of their lives. Often they write to us asking questions like, ‘My husband says he likes the new me, and so do I. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, but how can I be sure it will last? How do I convince him I’ve changed?’Opening your eyes is the first big step. Establishing new habits is next, and we assure you that if you stick with it, your marriage will permanently change. Your spouse will be convinced over time and, more often than not, will join you in making improvements.

Yes, absolutely. This is what makes our system so unique. Once you understand why marriages succeed or fail, and study the principles we teach, you’ll see for yourself that they make perfect sense.

Even if only one of you is willing to learn and apply these principles (regardless of who committed the errors), that partner will definitely still enjoy the benefits of an incredible marriage. Time and time again, we see that when one spouse starts taking the course, fighting stops, peace descends on the home, our student becomes happier than ever, and the spouse starts wondering what happened.

The improvement is so remarkable that the spouse often becomes interested in learning how he or she can participate in the process too.

We’ve had cases in which a husband left the home to move in with a younger woman. The wife, however, was not willing to give up, so she took the course, eliminated all fighting and negative interactions with her husband, forgave and loved him (a tough pill to swallow, for sure, but her goal was to have a happy marriage, not to blame her spouse) and after several months he moved back home. They rebuilt a wonderful marriage from that point on. We can’t promise results like this to everyone, but we have seen some amazing miracles.

Many of our clients come to us with this question. But you already know from your own experience that you can’t change others and people only truly change when they make the effort themselves.

The only way to improve your spouse’s behavior that we have seen consistently work is the following:

Very often when a spouse makes a mistake, your impulse to react negatively is strong. Your reaction is nearly as destructive for your marriage as the initial mistake, because it perpetuates a cycle of negative reactions (fighting, giving cold shoulders, yelling, etc). Surely you’ve already seen this happen, over and over again in your marriage.

We have found a way to break this cycle and we teach how to do that in our system. Learning this is essential for a happy marriage.

You must learn to stop the impulse that drives your negative reactions. Once you have mastered this, then you will be able to respond with love and wisdom whenever your spouse makes a mistake. We do not teach you to become a doormat. Instead, we teach you how to respond from an empowered place where you can choose the action that is best for your marriage, rather than responding from a place of feeling hurt, upset, or feeling like a victim.

When you have changed your own attitudes and behaviors, you will then see a marked improvement in how your spouse reacts to you. When you respond only with love, it’s very hard for him or her to put up a fight or to intentionally continue making mistakes.

The Marriage Foundation is not affiliated with any other organization, religious or otherwise. We have clients in over 45 different countries who are followers of all faiths or atheists. We have clients referred to us by pastors, rabbis, and other religious leaders who have reviewed our material. Our principles, books and courses are practical, not religious and work in all religious, spiritual, and atheist marriages.

Here is a summary of the “spiritual” tenets discussed in our system:

No one can deny that we have a consciousness. Religious circles call this a soul, but it’s the same thing.

Marriage counseling, based in western psychology, begins with the premise that we are an organism: a body and brain that has developed consciousness as a result of its chemical processes.

Our courses are based in eastern psychology, which begins with the premise that we are a consciousness that possesses a body and mind. Evolution isn’t denied, but our starting point is that our essence is consciousness inhabiting biology, not just a product of physical, biological processes.

How we got here is for religions to decide. It’s not important to us unless it is useful for your marriage. However, the fundamental difference in marriage-help solutions derives from the question of what we are, which is critically important for your marriage.

If you are a body, then that implies that your consciousness is a perpetual victim of the emotions and habits that drive 90% or more of your actions. This basically means that you have no control over your life and that love is just a chemical that comes and goes solely as a response to outward stimuli or inward chemical reactions. 

However if you are a consciousness then although most of our actions are still driven by emotions and habits, we can separate ourselves from them because we are not ‘them’. We own them as possessions. You can compare habits and emotions to wild horses driving our chariot. If in our whole life, we’ve never taken control of the reins, the horses will fight and pull in different directions. However, with the right process and patience, we can learn to rein them in.

By regarding humans as a consciousness or a soul, marriage becomes a union between souls seeking to exchange Love, rather than a union between organisms seeking to experience chemical highs.

In our system the words ‘consciousness’ and ‘soul’, and ‘God’ and ‘Love’ are interchange. However, we don’t preach any dogma. Everything we teach can be proven through your own experience, in your own life.

We maintain that trying to fix your marriage without exercising any control over your emotions, mind, and expressions is futile. So believing that you are just an organism permanently and hopelessly subject to chemistry and outward stimuli will never allow you or your spouse to make changes and improve your marriage.

However, approaching your marriage as a ‘spiritual union’ between two ‘consciousnesses’ has proven to be far more effective than traditional marriage counseling. It provides a useful conceptual model even atheists can accept. This means we are beings who love naturally but its expression is blocked by bad mental habits like yelling, criticizing, and other negative emotional reactions. Once we learn to control those reactions, our natural love can flow freely. Even love itself becomes an energetic force, rather than just the chemicals in the body.

Which conceptual model resonates most profoundly with you? Are you the result of a chemical reaction; an organism entirely subject to your own biology and not responsible for your own behavior? Or are you a consciousness with free will that has the ability and responsibility to manage your own emotions and mind so you can freely love your spouse? If you are at least comfortable working within this latter conceptual model, then you’ll have no problem using our system. 

If you want a happy marriage, give our approach a shot. We can show you how to have an incredibly happy marriage, regardless of your religious beliefs.

Feel free to contact one of our counselors if you would like to discuss this topic further.

The Marriage Foundation was established in California in 2009 as a 501(c)(3) educational non-profit organization. We are registered as Global Foundation For Marriage, dba The Marriage Foundation.

From 2003 onward, prior to founding the organization, Paul Friedman had already been developing and testing his marriage-saving material in his private practice. He felt it necessary to establish the foundation so that it would be possible to bring people from all over the world into contact with this much needed methodology.

If you would like to participate in growing our cause and helping marriages worldwide, the best way is to purchase our books or courses and improve your own marriage. By living an ideal example for your kids and others to see, you will leave a lasting impact on society. Other ways to support the foundation are by sharing our social media posts, recommending us to your friends, or by providing a tax-deductible donation, all of which help tremendously.


Maurice K

“Thanks, the course has been challenging and helpful. I try to employ as many of the techniques as possible in my daily interactions with my wife and also know I have a long way to go to break my bad habits. Thanks for your support.”

Maurice K

Barnard, MO

William G

“As this new environment in our home has become warmer, more friendly, more hospitable and a place were she gets more of her needs meet she has recently been making some moves … I work at it daily.”

William G

Indianapolis, IN

Jeffrey C

“Thank you so much. I am learning so much through this course and I want to commit to it with all that I have. Thank you for teaching me a better way to live my life without being controlled by my thoughts and emotions. I want to learn the SEW more than anything.”

Jeffrey C

New Haven, CT

Eugene M

“Paul is humble but exceptionally wise! He transformed my life into a tremendous place. I can’t thank him and TMF enough. His wisdom is so far-reaching! You’ll see more of it in the TMF Counselor course. How does one human become so evolved that a half-hour discussion has infinitely beautiful implications? He’s my guru. He’s a Saint!”

Eugene M

Midland, TX

Debra M

“I’m a wife and mother of 2. I watched your video on being a better wife to my hubby. Loved it. Only rolled my eyes once lol. Everything else was spot on. I am a little surprised the message for women was a half hour long and the message for men was 7 minutes. But if you think about it, we women talk a bit more and need more clarification most times lol. Makes sense. Keep up the good work sir!”

Debra M

Fridley, MN


“Dear Paul, Marvelous!

The Marriage Foundation is very important for marriage education, thank You very much for the videos and books I bought that I am still reading.

Best always, -Meriam”


Golden Valley, MN

Jean J

“I have really enjoyed your you-tube videos! I have a truly wonderful marriage of 18 years and 5 sweet kids and are always looking to improve and be a better wife and mother. So much of the advice I hear makes no sense! Learning how to fight? I find our marriage is golden when we lovingly care for each other. I left a lucrative job I loved 12 years ago and miss the intellectual stimulation so I am enjoying learning from your videos. Have a beautiful day and keep up the hard work.”

Jean J

Garfield Heights, OH


“I am Optimistic that we can Save our Marriage. I know that we still Love Each Other. He again calls me “Honey” and I still call him “Babe,”. Every morning we Train & Exercise together. When we talk to each other in a nice way. By Using the S.E.W technique. I feel I have come a long way since I started the course, and feel that I’m ready for the next section Module 3”


Modesto, CA


“Thank U so much for your videos. Especially this one. I’ve been separated from my husband for 5mths, and we just can’t seem to get the communication right even though we’ve been seeing each throughout the separation. We always seem to butt heads and wind up fighting over the least little things. I’ve tried other relationships videos and courses but nothing seem to work. Until I came across yours. I really love the way U express how we should express love and support, and learn to communicate better so we can get along and have a happy marriage. And it’s starting to work. But, it does take work. Thank U so much. Now I have hope again, and will not give up on my 10yr marriage.”


Brooklyn, MD


“Thank u so much for those videos. I watched a lot of videos about marriage and almost every video made me even more insecure about my man and marriage. But the things u say really give me a lot of hope in this dark place im currently in. And the things u say r so realistic. God bless u for your good work and help”


Denver, CO


“Good morning, I hope you are terrific today. I began the course for men on January 24 and thought I was progressing as I began to see and feel changes in my life. Still when around my wife I struggled to keep the overwhelming negative reactions from taking me over. Hopefully now, since I received a reply email over a week ago stating I have not been using the SEW technique, I have learned my lesson. I have noticed I am calmer since I’ve started using the SEW technique again on all my thoughts, feelings and anything else that comes into or I feel arising in my mind.”


Vicksburg, MS


“I wrote once at the beginning of the course and now I’m writing again, 5 months+ after beginning the course. I have seen benefits form this course, I’m doing my best to implement the SEW method, to change my way of thinking, and to approach each situation as calmly and supportively as I can. Your course confirmed to me what I knew and felt spiritually to be the truth, and has helped me deal with almost any situation in a more deeply understanding and loving manner.”


Staten Island, NY


“Thank you. I’m committed to make the complete change for myself and my marriage. I believe in this training program and at some later think I want to join the counselors. I have to say this by far one of the hardest things I’ve had to go through but I’m growing. I’ll be married 25 years in July so I have a lot to undo but I’m doing it, something I would have never thought I could do. I appreciate all the help for all the counselors and especially Paul. I wish that some of the counselors would share their success stories about how their marriages changed.”


Wytheville, VA

Nelli Dalia

“Dear Counsellor,

Thank you to Paul and the entire MF family! I made it to the end of the course and I don’t just feel accomplished yet but I feel empowered. I have had a couple of slips ups when my emotions whipped me but I unburdened to a counselor and kept it away from my husband and importantly I didn’t share it with anyone. I am happy I did this course bc I recognized so many ways that I held back love from my husband and as I correct those – I am seeing subtle changes in him. I will continue to listen the videos in the car on my to work etc. I will continue to work on watching my mind and guarding my thoughts. I might still need to write to you, if I get in an emotional ‘battle’ but I hope not much. Continue to help and pray for marriages the world over. May God continue to bless you richly.”

Nelli Dalia

Albany, NY


“Thank you for your wisdom. I am on the crossroads in my life with a husband who has put me through a roller coaster for almost 18 years. He can be the sweetest and most loving one day and very demanding and critical the next day. I’m suffering from depression and anxiety and often I have to hide it from him to avoid gaslighting. He refuses any kind of help or counseling and extremely confident. I didn’t want to leave yet but I’m at the end of my rope and out of options after trying all I could to improve this marriage. I feel like I’m stuck forever.”


Beltsville, DC


“Good morning Dear Counselor, I hope you are having a great day! I had another ah ha moment as I see now how even I have the problem with anger due to the drive to survive. Before I just thought it was normal. Now I see it differently. In other areas of my life I find it easier to turn the negative into a positive using the SEW technique.”


City Of Commerce, CA


“Dear Counselor, I greet you well! I completed the course last week and thinking of where I was 3 months ago to now, I am feeling and dealing with issues now is 100% times better. Since I watched the anatomy of a fight videos and applied the SEW technique I only had one slip up and after I saw the consequences, I worked even harder not to have a repeat. My husband is now quite nice and is home much more. I have observed that he spends less time on his phone. He is even busy making and organizing repairs to our home.”


Saint Louis, MO

Christopher Manley

“My wife and I are on less shaky ground. I SEWed up my speech (more than once) and you know what? I was happier and much less angry. I found myself not saying negative things. I found she was open to me not being negative. BOY, IS PAUL EVER RIGHT ABOUT HOW WE AS MEN TEACH OUR WOMEN TO BE NEGATIVE AND AGGRESSIVE. UGH. But! Now there is hope and God will bring us all closer to him. Cheers”

Christopher Manley

Florence, AL

Lysette Gwendoline

“I hadn’t mentioned this before, but I’m a Messianic Jew, and find Paul’s style and substance to be both fulfilling and sufficient. By fulfilling I mean it aligns with the principles of faith that I believe in. By sufficient I mean he provides us with a clear understanding of the mind — I don’t need to have someone tell me why he loves his dog, just that he does. By the same token, I don’t need to read a popular psychology book on marriage or on the mind: what Paul says is based in love — is there anything more important or fundamental?”

Lysette Gwendoline

Stamford, CT

Adena Cinda

“I just watched the SEW addendum video. It reminded me of something J— O— has said: “Don’t pray for victory, and then call in defeat” He was referring to those who pray for some turnaround event, but continue to wallow in the depths of gossip, bad thoughts, and victimhood. Say what you want about Pastor J—, he’s got some wise and Godly observations. JUST LIKE PAUL!”

Adena Cinda

Pinellas, FL

Eleanora Dolores

“You have definitely saved my marriage and changed my thinking. I’m kinder and sweeter. Months ago he’d said he wasn’t in love with me anymore and broke my heart, but everything is changing. I’m so grateful to you. Thank you. Your kindness is contagious. We are all souls!!! “

Eleanora Dolores

Englewood, CO

Caroline Mickey

“Hi I’m just letting you know that I’m still doing this course. I’ve been very blessed by this course and recommend it to others. I am having a successful restoration and renewal of my marriage and want to help others after I succeed. Thank you so so much for all your wisdom and help. Yahuah (God) opened the door and I’m so very grateful.”

Caroline Mickey

Staten Island, NY


“I listen to the TMF videos over and over, often more than ten times while I work, sometimes more than twenty times, as I get something new each time. It truly helps me in all of my relationships. I then write out the notes verbatim as best as I can. That’s when I move onto the next lesson.”


Stickney, SD


“Hi there, Just letting you know that it starts working. I use the course and the book simultaneously and I’m starting to understand some of the things that I deprived my husband of. ….It is hard to deal with myself because I never knew how to control my mind. I am not going to let this go south. And this technique works with every situation, even in business context and with raising children. I cannot see bliss yet, but I see myself and what I have to work on. Thank you. Today I feel better than the last weeks.”


Wausau, WI


“I have completed week 9 of the course and I have loved everything that I have learned. I have been most intriquired because as one who has spent the past 30 years studying the bible I find that I harmonize with all that you teach and (of course) I wish I knew this sooner. I’m also a bit embarrassed that I missed these conclusions. Hats off to you all.”


Norfolk, VA


“Hello! So I’ve been taking this course for about 5 weeks now and things have dramatically changed for the better! I could not be happier with the outcome by practicing the SEW method. I’m going to finish the course”


Indianapolis, IN


“This is one of the most EXCELLENT pieces of advice I’ve ever seen on Youtube. I’m very impressed! Seems like so many in our culture have devalued the institution of marriage, but YOU sir have brought the sanctity of it back to life. You are absolutely correct.”


City Of Commerce, CA


“One day I will tell my husband how the work you did brought me back to being the love and heart of our family. Best wishes to you and your families! God bless you all”


San Jose, CA


“Thanks, I really appreciate the course. You’ve had nothing but a positive impact on my life and marriage!”


Rochelle Park, NJ


“I love what you are doing. You are helping us understand how to live lives filled with joy. Thank you for continuing to post these videos and thank you for putting your message out there. I just want you to know that these efforts you are making are doing a lot of good in some of us random strangers’ lives, and not falling on deaf ears. I’m afraid we wouldn’t be getting these messages from anywhere else if you weren’t doing this, and my life and all of the lives I touch, would be so much unhappier if I didn’t find your messages, and if I didn’t get constant reminders about them. I’m sorry I’m such a slow learner and you have to work so hard to keep people like me moving in a happy direction, but I do want you to know how much I appreciate it!!! My life is becoming more joyful because of you.”


Louisville, KY


“I love what you are doing. You are helping us understand how to live lives filled with joy. Thank you for continuing to post these videos and thank you for putting your message out there. I just want you to know that these efforts you are making are doing a lot of good in some of us random strangers’ lives, and not falling on deaf ears. I’m afraid we wouldn’t be getting these messages from anywhere else if you weren’t doing this, and my life and all of the lives I touch, would be so much unhappier if I didn’t find your messages, and if I didn’t get constant reminders about them. I’m sorry I’m such a slow learner and you have to work so hard to keep people like me moving in a happy direction, but I do want you to know how much I appreciate it!!! My life is becoming more joyful because of you.”


Louisville, KY


“Thought would give an update about how things have been going. I do thank you for your prayers and support. Last 2 days, we have been working together, no arguing, talking very nicely to each other, there for each other, I let her sleep today while I got our girls ready for child care, and walked with them to their centre which is walking distance after they had breakfast and a bath. I know it is just a start, we went to church together, we are talking about our future together with each other in it, about our house build….”


Newark, NJ


“It’s really a pity that this video with such precious tips hasn’t many views… I really hope for this page to be seen from much more people in the future and maybe save some marriages thank you for your wisdom once again.”


Anderson, IN


“Thank you for responding. I am just past the 3rd segment, Toxic Familiarity, in the online/paid course. I am definitely having some wow moments. I’m only sad because I’ve let my marriage get to this point.”


Orlando, FL


“Thank you You are Awesome. I see it. I want to see all your information always. Thank you so much. I’m married 11 years and my wife is not happy and I want her to be happy. Thank you.”


West Nyack, NY


“You know I was looking for something to retaliate against him giving the silent treatment but this is an amazing video. It teaches love.”


Cincinnati, OH


“Thank you I’m on the right track but needed to hear this.”


New Haven, CT

Anne B.

"I'm so happy to have the support I am now getting from you. I'm really delighted with the course and am very much enjoying it."

Anne B.

Auckland, New Zealand

Cindy J.

"The fighting began before the baby. The problem is we are both so stubborn and always want the last word, instead of trying to sort it out. There is so much love in our relationship but it was always pushed to the back because of our constant bickering. Now we know how to work things out calmly and respectfully!"

Cindy J.

Los Angeles, CA

Brian D.

"I never understood what a spiritual marriage was, or how to include God in our marriage. I am not religious and didn't want to hear all that crap (pardon the language). But now I get it! ...and I read all the self-help stuff by Tony Robbins and others but never understood about controlling the mind before. You helped us! What can I say... most unexpected, but most happy. Thanks. Can't fail now..."

Brian D.

Johannesburg, South Africa

Cheryl F.

"It’s now been 3 months and things are getting better. We are communicating more openly, and he is slowly coming back to the marriage."

Cheryl F.

Indianapolis, IN

Jessica O.

"I feel very reassured to know that I have this access. It means everything to me right now, and certainly it is a tool I will use ongoing to keep my marriage alive and well. Things are going great for me purely from this new information I am learning. Going from rock bottom to a transformed relationship is nothing short of a miracle."

Jessica O.

Indianapolis, IN

Rob P.

"Some of what you said seemed really cheesy. But I have to admit, it worked and things are better than ever."

Rob P.

Houston, TX

Donna M.

"TMF helped me find the peace I was longing for, from what seemed like an impossible situation. It caused such a transformation in my marriage, which was on the way to divorce. TMF continues to make changes for peace, happiness and beautiful love in our marriage. Because of TMF we celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. In the decades of my experience, besides God and the Bible, there is no other successful marital help like it. It is deeply appreciated."

Donna M.

Portland, Or


“Thanks, the course has been challenging and helpful.  I try to employ as many of the techniques as possible in my daily interactions with my wife and also know I have a long way to go to break my bad habits. Thanks for your support.”

Maurice K

Barnard, MO

“Thank you so much. I am learning so much through this course and I want to commit to it with all that I have. Thank you for teaching me a better way to live my life without being controlled by my thoughts and emotions. I want to learn the SEW more than anything.”

Jeffrey C

New Haven, CT

“I’m a wife and mother of 2. I watched your video on being a better wife to my hubby. Loved it. Only rolled my eyes once lol. Everything else was spot on. I am a little surprised the message for women was a half hour long and the message for men was 7 minutes. But if you think about it, we women talk a bit more and need more clarification most times lol. Makes sense. Keep up the good work sir!”

Debra M

Fridley, MN

“Good morning Dear Counselor, I hope you are having a great day! I had another ah ha moment as I see now how even I have the problem with anger due to the drive to survive. Before I just thought it was normal. Now I see it differently. In other areas of my life I find it easier to turn the negative into a positive using the SEW technique.”


City Of Commerce, CA

“Dear Counsellor,

Thank you to Paul and the entire TMF family! I made it to the end of the course and I don’t just feel accomplished yet but I feel empowered. I have had a couple of slips ups when my emotions whipped me but I unburdened to a counselor and kept it away from my husband and importantly I didn’t share it with anyone. I am happy I did this course bc I recognized so many ways that I held back love from my husband and as I correct those – I am seeing subtle changes in him. I will continue to listen the videos in the car on my to work etc. I will continue to work on watching my mind and guarding my thoughts. I might still need to write to you, if I get in an emotional ‘battle’ but I hope not much. Continue to help and pray for marriages the world over. May God continue to bless you richly.”

Nelli Dalia

Albany, NY